Have you got what it takes to be an EFR Instructor Trainer?


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to register for the EFR Instructor Trainer programme being conducted throughout 2016.

No doubt you’ve been busy teaching EFR courses but if you’d like to further expand your first aid business, why not become an EFR Instructor Trainer? Being able to train EFR Instructors will help you grow your business! The first aid industry is a highly competitive one so having the extra knowledge and skills can make all the difference to a potential client.

For more information or to register for this programme please contact the Instructor Development Department by emailing id.emea@padi.com

The program will teach you the skills required to effectively train and prepare future instructor candidates for the first aid industry. You will be shown counselling and coaching techniques for your classes and you will develop marketing techniques for use during your programs.

Price includes:

* EFR Instructor Trainer materials (digital)

* Online learning

* Live tuition

* Application fee

Further EFR Instructor Trainer programmes are scheduled throughout the EMEA territory during the remainder of 2016. Please refer to this registration form for a list of dates and locations.

Wishing you all the best with your first aid business during 2016!

The post Have you got what it takes to be an EFR Instructor Trainer? appeared first on PADIProsEurope.

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