Tobri Divers
Roatan Bay Island
A stay at Tobri Dive Resort means you will experience one of the most personal resorts on Roatan Bay Island, Honduras. With a maximum of 12 guests, enjoy a high level of comfort within a wonderful tropical surrounding and dive in a fascinating underwater world. Persuade yourself by booking your next getaway at TOBRI DIVE RESORT.
We dive in small groups, hassle-free and convenient! Diving at its best in dream-like beautiful reefs on the south side of the island (stunning cliffs, reef gardens, caves, everything “fully intact”) and reside with great comfort and coziness, relax under palm trees, chill in the small infinity pool or discover the island.
Come over to experience the new Swiss hospitality in Roatan and take advantage of our autumn Special!
Valid From: October 10, 2015
Valid To: November 21, 2015
Price/Rate: $89.00
Booking Email: info@tobri-divers.com
Booking Phone: 1.800.329.9989
Website: www.tobri-divers.com