Hotel Kia Ora Resort and Spa
Overwater bungalows.
The Hotel Kia Ora Resort and Spa is located on the northwest part of the atoll of Rangiroa, between the passes of Tiputa and Avatoru. Hotel Kia Ora Resort and Spa includes villas and bungalows with exceptional style, scattered throughout the coconut grove, on the beach and overlooking the lagoon.
The atoll of Rangiroa is world renowned for its spectacular diving sites, including the famous Tiputa and Avatoru passes, which are located on either side of Kia Ora. Dives are action-packed and exhilarating, with sightings of dolphins, marlin, grey and hammerhead sharks and manta rays. On drift dives with the current flowing, pelagic encounters offer unforgettable moments of wonder.
Accommodation for 6 nights in a beach bungalow at the luxurious KIA ORA resort on Rangiroa including round trip airfare from Los Angeles to Rangiroa, breakfast, land and boat transfers to the resort and 4 days of 2 tank NITROX (with certification), all equipment and local taxes. Cost is per person.
Blackout: December 31, 2015 – January 07, 2016
Based on double occupancy. Subject to availability at time of booking
Price: $3370.00
Package Validity – Start Date: November 1, 2015
Package Validity – End Date: March 31, 2016
Travel must be booked by: August 31, 2015
Booking Email: info@reefrainforest.com
Book by phone: 1.800.794.9767
Website: www.reefrainforest.com