Underwater Photography

Scuba Diving Trip Report: A Palau Primer

The island nation of Palau is located about 500 miles east of the Philippine Islands, at about the same latitude, but despite being close neighbors (geographically speaking) these islands are, in many ways, very different. The Philippines were, for me, mostly about the wonderful macro life. Palau was more about big animals, schooling fish, and interesting reef formations.

We started venturing to Southeast Asia to dive about eight years ago. Over those years, in all the locations we’ve been diving, we’ve noticed an alarming dearth of sharks. Healthy coral reefs need apex predators. Sadly, it appears that most of them have been captured and finned (while still alive!) to feed an enormous and seemingly insatiable market for (perplexingly prestigious) shark fin soup. There are signs that there is finally some much needed change occurring in consumer habits regarding this product. It remains to be seen if it is too late for decimated shark stocks around the world to recover.
In fact, in many locations where I have been diving, there are very few bigger-than-your-fist fish left at all.

In my ten or so trips to Southeast Asia, diving in as many different locations, I’ve seen not more than a couple of dozen sharks, in total. That is tragic. So it was heartwarming to dive the reefs of Palau and see sharks. On. Every. Single. Dive. We spotted white tips, black tips, gray reef sharks and several leopard sharks.

Getting pictures of sharks is difficult (with the Leopard Shark, a bottom lounger, being the easiest to get close to of the ones I listed above). Despite popular folklore, most species of sharks are reclusive animals, and are very wary of humans. Unfortunately that doesn’t help them if long-lined, or netted, or dynamite fished…

So sharky dives were one of the big highlights for me of this trip. Another was the hauntingly beautiful Jellyfish Lake, in which a pocket of the ocean became land-locked at some point in history, and the jellies, lacking the usual predators, evolved into non-stingers. This was a snorkel excursion, and spending an hour or so floating in a salty lake with literally millions of these poetic, benign creatures was lovely.

Palau is also very fishy, and again, it was so wonderful to see large schools of fish – jacks, and snappers, and crescent-tails, and barracuda, and grunts, and even a herd of bumphead parrotfish. The conservation culture of Palau, which recognizes the value of tourism, and seems to nationally embrace it, seems to really be helping to keep a healthy diversity of animals on the reefs and in the blue. As I said above, you don’t see a lot of fish anymore in a lot of locations in this part of the world.

Oh, and turtles. We saw lotsa turtles. And gargantuan giant clams. And flatworms. But we did not see many nudibranchs, or large varieties of anemone fish. If you follow my stuff, you’ll know I am a bit obsessed with anemone fish. ;^)

The reefs of Palau are reasonably colorful and diverse (although I’d have to say not quite as pretty as some other places I’ve been – Fiji, Raja Ampat, Komodo as examples), and we saw a lot of very large sea fans and some huge stands of lettuce coral. Given the amount of divers in the water (it is a very popular dive destination), and some of the very poor diving practices we witnessed, it was amazing to me that many of the fans and large corals did not yet have signs of diver damage.

Chandelier Cave, a very shallow cavern dive, was cool too. The archipelago of Palau (comprised of hundreds of islands and islets) was formed from limestone, and so is very porous and easily eroded. We dove the famous Jakes Seaplane wreck, just minutes from the harbor in Kuror, as well as a nearby freighter wreck. It is my understanding that there is plentiful wreck diving in Palau — mostly WW2-related sinkings. We also did several dives featuring blue holes, tunnels and caves, and we dove some pretty vertiginous walls. Palau certainly offers a broad menu of delicious diving.

And then there was Blue Corner — a revered dive site, often cited in ‘Top Ten Dives in the World’ lists. Hit it right, and it is magic. Hit it wrong and it can be hair-raising. We did it both ways, with the hair-raising version going down in my dive history as the gnarliest current dive I have done to date.

And finally, Palau is about interesting and poignant history. We did a full day land tour of Peleliu Island – the scene of one of the major land engagements between the Japanese and the US. It was informative and educational, and despite the passage of years, there is still abundant war memorabilia to see, both in the small museum, and literally scattered around the island.

We had an extra day after we got off the live aboard before flying home, and so we hired a local guide to take us on a cultural tour of Koror, the main island of Palau. It was very interesting and enlightening to learn about the people and their history.

As a popular divers’ destination, Palau is well set up with hotels, restaurants, and numerous dive operations. Several live aboard companies also have boats in the area. Our combination of a few days of land-based diving and tours, and a week on a dedicated dive live aboard, was ideal.

Judy G is a traveling underwater photographer. Check out her blog HERE and follow her on Facebook: Judy G Diver

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Macro Diving: Looking for Mr. Little

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Scuba Diving Trip Report: A Palau Primer Read More »

Where To Dive With Mako Sharks

A close up of a mako shark

Chris and Monique Fallows/ naturepl.com

Mako Shark
Shortfin makos are found in temperate and tropical seas world wide.

Makos. They might look like skinny great whites, but these lightning-fast sharks are in a league all their own.

They’re not the biggest sharks in the sea, but they just might be the fastest — and the twitchiest.

Short fin mako sharks are sometimes described as miniature great whites on amphetamines. These toothy sharks look like a shrunken- down version of the ocean’s top predators, but they act totally different. While great white sharks slice slow, graceful circles around a diver, watching with an inquisitive eye, makos are twitchy sharks, hopped up on adrenaline, that blast through a chum slick, offering a split-second glimpse before they disappear into the abyss.

Thought to be the fastest sharks in the ocean, makos have an estimated top speed burst of about 45 mph. They can achieve these speeds thanks, in part, to their warm body temperature, which stays between 7 and 10 degrees warmer than the water and gives them energy. Like great whites, makos are known to jump out of the water, sometimes up to 20 feet in the air, though scientists haven’t found the driving force behind this behavior.

Makos are pelagic sharks that live throughout the world’s oceans, but there are only a handful of places where divers have reliable encounters with these incredible creatures.


Mako populations have been rebounding in recent years off the coast of San Diego, where free divers can join charters like those offered by SD Expeditions (sdexpeditions.com) for the chance to go cage-free with these impressive predators.


The remote islands of the Azores sit along the mid-Atlantic ridge, a vast underwater mountain range that cuts through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. From July to October, dive operators like CW Azores (cwazores.com) offer blue-water diving trips to swim with makos in the open ocean.


Most divers wouldn’t immediately think of Rhode Island as a shark-diving hot spot, but during the summer months, when the Gulf Stream moves close to shore, this stretch of New England coastline becomes a haven for makos and other sharks, as game fish move closer to shore. A number of fishing boats like Snappa Charters (snappacharters.com) now offer trips to see them in their element.


With a top speed of more than 45 miles per hour, shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) are thought to be the fastest shark species. They can be easily identified by their teeth, which are visible even when their mouths are closed. These sharks can have up to 18 pups at a time, and are listed on the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable.


Shortfin makos are found in temperate and tropical seas world- wide, but San Diego, Azores and Rhode Island offer reliable encounters.


Makos can leap up to 20 feet out of the water, though scientists are unsure of the reason for this behavior. Makos are aggressive hunters that feed primarily on schooling fish like tuna, mackerel and swordfish.


They average between 6 and 9 feet in length.


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Imaging Tutorial: How To Edit Shark Photos in Adobe Lightroom

Before and After Black and White Conversion

Erin Quigley

Before and After

How to keep your shark photos sharp in post production.

Sharks are a favorite pho-to subject of mine, and I’ve developed a few post-production techniques that help perfect shark images.

1. Desaturate with an Adjustment Brush to remove unwanted color.

Using the Adjustment Brush and Negative Saturation Panel in Lightroom

Step 1

» In the Develop module of Lightroom, click on the Adjustment Brush icon. Slide the Saturation slider to the left to set a high negative value — you’ll finesse this later. You won’t see anything change until you paint with a brush in the image.

» Brush over areas on the shark where you see a blue- green color cast. If you get sloppy with the brush, holding down Opt (Mac) or Alt (PC) gives you a temporary eraser to tidy up.

» Move the Saturation slider back toward the right until you get the result you want.

2. Add Clarity with an Adjustment Brush to enhance pattern and emphasize eyes.

Clarity increases midtone contrast, giving the appearance of added sharpness and punch. Too much Clarity added globally in the Basic panel can make your image look overprocessed, so it’s better to add it locally using Lightroom’s Adjustment Brush and Filters.

» In the Develop module of Lightroom, click on the Adjustment Brush icon. Set a high positive value for Clarity by moving the slider all the way to the right. It doesn’t matter if you set it too high — you’ll dial it back later. You won’t see a change until you paint with the brush in the image.

» Brush over areas that have pattern or texture that you want to emphasize. Locally added Clarity can also work to punch up contrast in light rays. Adjust the slider back down to the level that looks best. You can also add Clarity with the Graduated or Radial filters.

3. Sharpen teeth, not water

How to Sharpen Teeth not Water in Lightroom

Step 3

Sharpening is the process of emphasizing edges. When sharpening gets applied to water, or other areas of flat color, it can do more harm than good. Luckily, Lightroom’s sharpening controls include a tool that lets you apply sharpening to only areas of critical contrast.

» In the Develop module, open the Detail panel.

» After setting the desired values for Amount, Radius and Detail, zoom out so you can see your whole photo. While holding down Opt (Mac) or Alt (PC), click and drag on the Masking slider. At first you’ll see a completely white screen. As you move the slider to the right, some areas be- come gray, and eventually some areas will be black. Where you see white pixels, 100 percent of the sharpen- ing values set in Amount, Radius and Detail are being applied. Gray pixels indicate a lesser value of sharpening, and black means that there’s no sharpening at all. Stop when you can see all critical detail in white, and flat areas in black.

4. Remove bubbles and bait using Content Aware Fill in Photoshop.

» Open your image in Photoshop. With the Lasso tool, draw a loose selection around the object you want to remove. Go to Edit>Fill, and choose Content Aware from the drop-down menu. If you have a Color Adaptation checkbox (Photoshop CC), click it on. Hit OK and watch the magic.

» Content Aware doesn’t always do a perfect job, but it usually gets you most of the way there. Use Photo- shop’s healing and cloning tools to clean up any details.

5. Use the Targeted Adjustment tool in Lightroom for black-and-white conversion.

» In the Develop module, select an image and click on the B&W tab near the HSL panel. The B&W Mix panel will open, and you’ll see Lightroom’s default black-and-white conversion of your image. Although your picture is now black-and-white, the panel sliders correspond to color channels,which makes the editing process nothing better than a guess if you don’t remember which part of your now black-and-white photo used to be a particular color.

» In the upper left corner of the B&W Mix panel is the Targeted Adjustment tool. Click on its icon to activate, and move your cursor into the image. Click and drag up in an area you wish to brighten, and down where you want it darker. It’s just that simple. The Targeted Adjustment tool also exists for the Tone Curve, another panel useful for creating dramatic monochromes.

Want More Tips for Editing Underwater Photos?

Check out Erin’s Tutorial on How To Remove Backscatter, Tips for Adjusting Water Color and Learn How To Make Sexy Black and White Conversions.

Imaging Tutorial: How To Edit Shark Photos in Adobe Lightroom Read More »

The Solomon Islands shot in UltraHD 4K Video

Video of 4K UltraHD underwater nature video stock footage Demo Reel UHD "Undersea Realm in 4K"

Located off the Northwest coast of Australia, the Solomon Islands are a scuba diver’s dream. With nearly 1000 islands spread across 1000 miles, there is no shortage of amazing diving that includes some of the best coral reefs and WWII shipwrecks in the world.

Josh Jensen and his team at Undersea Productions put together this demo reel showing us exactly what we can expect to see in this underwater paradise — Manta rays, anemonefish, barracudas, sponges, fire coral and more. It also includes a quick glimpse at the vertical Taiyo Shipwreck, which rests vertically on the edge of the reef after a botched salvage attempt. All shot in stunning 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution.

For more information on this demo reel, including a shot list of what’s in the reel video and the equipment used to film it, visit Undersea Productions.

The Solomon Islands shot in UltraHD 4K Video Read More »

Eilat Red Sea Photo Competition

This is the 10th year in a row that the Eilat Red Sea competition took place in Eilat. Integrating elements from photography, high-tech, touristic and diving industries, the Eilat Red Sea event is branded as a worldwide leading underwater photography … Continue reading

The post Eilat Red Sea Photo Competition appeared first on PADIProsEurope.

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